The Collective Memory Blindspot
Without an understanding of collective memory, companies risk pushing messages that don’t speak to the underlying emotional drivers for prescription and adherence.
Unlocking demand is the key to making ancient grains the future, not the past
ReD’s Ian Dull and Mad Holme outline four challenges – from consumption to production – that will be important to solve to create a sustainable food system.
The deeper issue behind the healthcare strikes: a loss of meaning
Healthcare workers are losing a sense of meaning in their work. How did we get here, and what can we do to solve this as the care system finds itself increasingly squeezed?
Scaling the ‘special sauce’ of a culture in a global organisation
Millie Arora sits down with Chris Cozic, Executive Vice President & Chief People Officer at Genmab to discuss how to scale and cultivate culture.
Phenomena S2 E5: Mental Health
How can a more social and cultural understanding of mental health offer better solutions to care?
Stepping out of the corporate comfort zone in medical care
Zlatko Rihter (CEO at Mölnlyck) speaks to Martin Gronemann about trusting the ethnographic process, embracing a customer-oriented approach, and uniting the worlds of business and social sciences to build strategy.
Being customer oriented never goes out of fashion
A conversation between Britt Meelby Jensen, CEO of AMBU A/S & Mads Holme, Managing Partner at ReD Associates.
Vozes, não dados: construindo conexões entre clientes e participantes da pesquisa
Camila sentou-se em seu sofá rosa desbotado, desenfaixou a atadura em torno da panturrilha e me mostrou um ferimento roxo, uma parte da pele em crosta e uma parte úmida. Sua filha Cecilia sentou na beirada de uma cadeira no canto, completando os vazios na história:
Community Talks: Sarah LeBaron von Baeyer
A ReD alum discusses how her fieldwork at ReD prepared her for her current role at a genomics company.
Building a Growth Engine by Balancing Soft and Hard
A conversation with the CEO of Karo on how he made his healthcare company more human-centric.
Covid-19 is changing Americans' relationship to time
With covid-19 lockdowns, more Americans feel they have more agency over, and less structure to their time; they are reluctant to return to old routines. This is leading to key shifts in meaning and practice that more companies need to tap into to succeed in a post-pandemic world.
Weak Signals from Wuhan and Shanghai
This new phase of the pandemic is characterized by cautious optimism coupled with extreme volatility and imperfect information. In this context, business leaders are under pressure to make quick decisions that will have major implications for their businesses in the coming years.
Covid-19: Now is the Time to Reinvent the Sales Model in Healthcare
The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to rip the band-aid off dysfunctional healthcare systems.
The Routledge Companion to Anthropology and Business: Contextual Analytics
Building contextually informed algorithms requires collaboration between human science and data science teams who are willing to extend their frame of reference beyond their core skill areas.
Field Guide for a Crisis: Capturing the shifts in social behavior that will shape the next normal
Clients have come to us asking for clues to the ‘next normal,’ and for ReD’s take on the social shifts that are most relevant to business. Like all our projects, we are taking a beginner’s mind in our response. As we embark on an exploratory study of social change, the questions raised in this letter are a sample of our working field guide.
Journal of Cancer Survivorship: The value of immunotherapy for survivors of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer
In this groundbreaking study of cancer patients treated with immunotherapy for stage IV cancer, ReD has illuminated the particular state of patients who survive longer than their initial prognosis. These patients are able to achieve a state of normalcy, despite having a terminal condition.
‘As Much As I Can’: Bringing alive the lived experience of men with HIV/AIDS
A ReD research project with leading HIV-dedicated healthcare company, ViiV, helped identify opportunities for lifesaving care and prevention.
White Paper: Helping People Heal
ReD worked with Cognizant, taking an outside-in perspective to study the phenomenon of healing.
MedDevice: Five Keys To Designing Medical Devices For Life Beyond Clinical Trials
More life sciences companies should build their R&D on the unmet needs of patients in real world contexts.